Just a few bits o’ news for you to chew on… my new feature, “Scrapbustin’ Holiday DIYs” is up at IndieFixx.com! I love doing tutorial roundups. There are so many great DIY projects out there, and with the holidays rolling around, I’m hoping these ideas get a few people rollin’ in the DIY direction.

I created a very fall-like “Gift of Autumn” Etsy treasury to feature some of my favorite Etsy artists. My cupcake wall art was featured in Blue Owl Vintage’s Cupacupacupa Cupcakes! treasury (thanks Amie!). One of my pin cushion listings was featured in a “Sew what do you want for Christmas” treasury, my super geeky Floppy Drive necklace was nabbed for the “Gift for the Geek” treasury AND my super bee-utiful Coral Hawk tote bag was featured in the “Oh the Beauty” treasury as well. Whew! That’s a lot of schtuff.
Oh! And I’m spending a long week in Denver this weekend to visit my very best friend Jamie and her new baby Jasmine! It will be my first time seeing Jasmine, and the Taylor family as a party of three. I’m very excited, and kinda nervous… I feel like this will be the baby litmus test. Do I wanna? Or do I not wanna?
Tweets that mention Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ into the holiday season — Topsy.com
Nov 9, 2010 -
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by shrielenee, Shrie Spangler. Shrie Spangler said: Rollin' rollin' rollin' into the holiday season… http://ow.ly/372tC […]
Polly Danger
Nov 12, 2010 -
DIY holidays are the best! I just always seem to run out of time to hand make every single present, you know? Yay tutorials!!