I just love rummage sales. Fortunately, we live in a part of town that has a real sense of community, and with that comes many rummage sales and charity yard sales. This past weekend the hubs and I attended the Lakewood Seward Park Community Rummage Sale and came away with
a few goodies for sure! I picked up about six wooden embroidery hoops for $.50! Hopefully, I’ll be using my new skills in needle-felting to make a mobile with the hoops.
We also nabbed a beetle box, which is so super weird and cool at the same time, and a lovely almost-all-the-way embroidered pillowcase. I think I’ll make an apron front out of it.. or maybe a summer tank top? The fate of this piece has yet to be decided. I think my love of cheap goods, and the thrill of the thrift, is rubbing off on the Mr. Man. He is eager to rummage!
I’ve also been (kinda) hard at work sewing and trying new things. I recently made a chenille and Alexander Henry cotton print baby bib, and some super cute chenille and cotton burp cloths as well. I really think they are adorable, and I plan on making many more for a certain special someone who is about to have a baby. Hopefully I can perfect the design and list some in my Etsy shop as well!
I don’t have a kid, nor am I pregnant but I’m really enjoying making this baby stuff. The fact that they’re quick projects doesn’t hurt either. I have oodles of ideas for my shop coming up, and hopefully I’ll be able to take some pictures and list some new items in the coming days! My photography skills leave a lot to be desired, so I have to step up my game. Now, if it would only stop being gray and rainy so I can practice my photo skillz….
PS – I also attended an EtsyRAIN beginner’s needle-felting class taught by the talented and lovely Moxie. It was loads of fun, and now I have a new hobby!
Apr 29, 2010 -
That beetle thingy is AWESOME!!! great find.