This weekend was roughly two weeks before my 28th birthday. 28th!!! I’m not old, and I’m not freaking out about my age. But more than that, I’m just AMAZED at how time flies. One second I’m in college beer bonging and keg standing and the next I’m a real woman in a real relationship making real life choices. It feels good.

Today is also the seven year anniversary of the Brett and Shrie love story. Seven years ago today, I first kissed the love of my life. And to tell you the truth (at the risk of sounding like a weiner) I knew I wanted to marry him within a couple of months. It took four years for him to pop the question, but I’m fairly sure that we both knew it would only be a matter of time. In almost exactly a month we will celebrate our two year wedding anniversary. This is absolutely WACKY! It feels like just yesterday that we were road tripping down to Texas from Washington on the scary icy roads with our red dog Clem and a car full of wedding decorations. It’s been a journey so far, and not one without a significant amount of bumps and proverbial bruises. I never dreamt about weddings or being married as a kid, but I cannot WAIT to get old and wrinkly with this man.
My parents came into town this weekend to help me celebrate my birthday. My mom just can’t stand not being able to make me breakfast, our birthday tradition of biscuits and chocolate gravy (if you are not southern and have not heard of this wonderful dish you are certainly missing out). It was DELICIOUS. I miss Seattle, but it feels SO RIGHT to be in Texas right now, seeing my family, living in the greatest state in this great country. It’s starting to feel like home, and it’s been a long time since I’ve known what that feeling is like.
In other awesome news, one of my embroidery art pieces was featured on’s Etsy Treasury of the Week last week! Thanks guys!
Polly Danger
Feb 16, 2011 -
Awww, that is too sweet!! Happy birfday, friendie!! MWAH!
Feb 19, 2011 -
Hey! I’m just coming up for air after MY parents came to our home. Oi — what a crazy time. Anyhoo… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And anytime your mom wants to make breakfast for me, that’s be great. 😉
Feb 19, 2011 -
Hey! I’m just coming up for air after MY parents came to our home. Oi — what a crazy time. Anyhoo… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! And anytime your mom wants to make breakfast for me, that’s be great. 😉
Mar 6, 2011 -
I think you should post a recipe for biscuits & chocolate gravy! Yum! and Happy Belated Birthday!