My lovely and crafty web friend, Chantilly of My Girl Thursday, blogged about this shop as an inspiration of hers, and I’m feeling extremely inspired about it as well! I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to see what kind of plate creation Chantilly comes up with. Simultaneously darkly quirky and refreshingly vivid, Beat Up Creations‘ altered antique plates and assembled sculptures took my breath away! I WANT.
PS – It was actually very difficult for me to choose a photo to accompany this post… their items are just TOO awesome. In fact, here are some more links to more super rad Beat Up Creations works of art!
Feb 2, 2011 -
Way too hard to choose a favourite – I couldn’t do it! I had a design all finished up, but now I’m rethinking it. I can’t wait to get a hang of this technique and share it with you all!
Studio MME
Feb 2, 2011 -
I’ve been in love with their shop for SO long! You’re right. There are simply too many to choose from. Your blog is so neat! I can’t wait to see what you post next.